We established the Human Skills Institute™ in 2018 because many financial advisors and other technical firm owners under utilize, under develop, or marginalize human skills such as authenticity, critical thinking, listening, and empathy to name just a few. As a result, they unintentionally sabotage growth and engagement–their own, clients’, and their firms’. We find the risk especially high for next generation owners and leaders–especially women and empathic men. We agree with Seth Godin, Brian Tracy, and other thought leaders that human skills are, and increasingly will provide the top competitive factor for firms to engage ideal clients and sustain long-term growth. In fact, the Harvard Business Review (HBR) and others estimate that as much as 70-80 percent of change and transition efforts fail to meet their objectives, fully or in part, because they do not address the psychological sides of change and transition. We are here to help our clients defy the odds by maximizing the value of their own and their teams’ human skills.
Why Human Skills are Make-or-Break